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Dog Seat Belt for car

Dog Seat Belt for car

Lots of dogs go wild for a ride in the car. All we have to do is jingle the keys, and they race to meet us at the door. If these dogs could call shotgun, they would. So why ruin the fun by strapping those joyriders down with dog seat belts?

In the past, most dogs have freely roamed when riding in the car, encouraged to hang their heads out the windows, ears flapping adorably in the breeze. However, there are some real dangers for dogs who are not secure in a seat

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Products Dog Collar Light for The Dark

Products Dog Collar Light for The Dark

Does your dog run off during his nightly potty trip? Or maybe your nighttime walk takes you past roads without street lights.

If you are having pooch visibility problems, then an LED dog collar is exactly what you need. This light-up collar allows you to keep track of your dog in the dark, fog and snow!

At DogLab, we spent 500+ hours testing and reviewing over 21 different LED collars and other accessories, like harnesses and leashes, to find the most durable, brightest and best quality LED dog collars available.

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